From North Conway west to Bethlehem and north to Gorham, mountain biking in the region has soared in popularity, thanks to a healthy mix of nonprofits, organized clubs, and private trail builders.
See what these rugged-mountain-town bike organizations have planned for the upcoming season to help build a true mountain bike destination.
The Mt. Washington Valley has been an adventure destination for a very long time. Skiing, hiking, rock and ice-climbing, paddling, cycling, and fishing … a seemingly never-ending list helping to validate its many “best-of” adventure-based recognitions. It’s not surprising that mountain biking has been a popular pastime since its beginning days in the 80s and 90s. But within the past decade, and more so the past few years, mountain biking in the region has soared in popularity, thanks to a healthy mix of nonprofits, organized clubs, and private trail builders. From North Conway west to Bethlehem and north to Gorham, these rugged mountain towns have dedicated individuals and groups stepping up to organize and build a true mountain bike destination.
Whether you’re in the mood for some natural single-track with roly-poly downhills; steep technical drops over slabs; or more aggressive, roller-coaster, machine-built trails with purpose, a vast variety of networks are popping up for all skill levels and abilities throughout the region. At the heart of these networks, you’ll find dedicated groups of volunteers working together with various organizations to create a community of riding opportunities for everyone. Read on to hear what some of these groups have planned for the upcoming season. From weekly rides and trail maintenance days to more complex projects and annual fundraisers, there are plenty of ways to become involved and join the healthy cycling community around you.
Ride NoCo
by Amanda Schweizer
Ride NoCo was founded in 2020 and aims to promote positive, progressive growth to make the Mt. Washington Valley a world-class mountain bike community. The organization serves as the primary trail stewards of the Hurricane Zone Network and Half Day Trail, the Valley’s most advanced downhill-specific trails. The Hurricane Zone is truly a unique trail system, boasting nearly 8,000 feet of vertical descent over 19 miles of trail. Ride NoCo’s biggest project to date, Tornado, was opened in spring of 2022, built by local trail builder, Corbett Tulip of Tulip Trails. As a berm-filled machine-built intermediate flow trail, Tornado is a great balance to the natural hand-built trails typical of the rest of the network.
Instead of taking the Winter 2023 season off, Ride NoCo successfully maintained a groomed, snowy downhill track to give adventurous fatbikers the incredible opportunity to descend roughly 1,000 vertical feet.
This season, Ride NoCo is focusing its efforts on restoring Half Day, an exciting descent off of Mt. Washington Valley’s iconic Cathedral Ledge.
Half Day was originally a rogue trail that was adopted by the mountain biking community, and as such, it was not built with sustainability in mind. While the existing trail is beloved, it cannot remain open in its current state, as it does not meet the sustainability and safety standards of the landowners, the White Mountain National Forest Service. While the majority of the upper half of the trail will remain as is, the lower half will be rebuilt by hand under the direction of Knight Ides of Ideride. Ides is a highly regarded trail builder responsible for some of New England’s best trails, including Black Bear and Stormin’ Norman in the Kingdom trails network and Surfs Up, a fast-flow connector trail in the Hurricane Mountain Zone.
Pairing Kight’s trail-building vision with Cathedral’s steep and rolling forest has great potential, however Ride NoCo cannot get started on this until they have met the fundraising goal of $10,000.
Ride NoCo is looking to the Mt. Washington Valley community, businesses, and supporters to meet the fundraising goal this spring. Unlike many trail projects, the stakes are high on this one: without a successful restoration, this unique trail is slated to be decommissioned.
Consider assisting Ride NoCo in its efforts to save Half Day by visiting its website at to pledge your support.
Ride NoCo will be holding volunteer trail days throughout the season to clean up and maintain the trails. With no special skills or tools needed, these events are a great cost-free way to give back and meet others in the riding community. Trail days are typically followed by a fun group ride, which is a great way to get to know the network. In addition, Ride NoCo has two fun events in the works this summer to help raise funds and thank the community that makes it all possible.
June 17 is the annual Hop Stroski Release Party at Saco River Brewing to benefit Ride NoCo’s trail efforts. Hop Stroski is an IPA brewed in honor of board member and valley legend, racer Pete Ostroski. Be sure to look for it in stores, as a portion of the proceeds will benefit Ride NoCo.
Ride NoCo will be hosting a mountain bike festival Labor Day weekend with an evening of fun on September 2 at Ledge Brewing Company with live music, MTB movie screening, beer, and food. More details will be released as the event draws closer.
The beautiful and diverse Mt. Washington Valley is truly a mountain bike destination, with multiple trail networks sure to please all types of riders. Explore the trails and show your support by lending a hand at one of the trail days and by becoming a member at
Both individual and family memberships are available at various levels of support. All membership funds stay right in the Valley and go directly towards new trails, bigger berms, and better community access. Follow Ride NoCo on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates.

Located on Cathedral Ledge, Half Day is an expert downhill trail that has safety and sustainability issues that will be addressed in reconfiguration and restoration projects.
Check out for information or to donate!
RIDE NOCO - 2023 Events & Rides
April 22: Trail Day #1
May 20: Trail Day #2
June 10: Trail Day #3
June 17: Hop Stroski Release Party/Ride NoCo Benefit at Saco River Brewing
July 15: Trail Day #4
August 12: Trail Day #5
September 2-4: Mountain Bike Fest (Ledge Brewing-Sept 2)
October 21: Trail Day #6
Go to for event dates and additional information
by Jeremiah Beach
Mountain biking in the Mt. Washington Valley is world-class. The local chapter of NEMBA, the New England Mountain Biking Association, was formed in 1998 by a passionate group of local riders. Since the formation of the White Mountains Chapter, countless hours of volunteer labor and relationship-building with land managers and stakeholders have created, and continue to maintain, over 100 miles of rideable trails.
The chapter’s ongoing relationships with key stakeholders, such as the Forest Service, local governments, land managers, and individual landowners are important to current and future riding opportunities in the Mt. Washington Valley.
The White Mountains Chapter was awarded the NEMBA “signature grant” for 2022. Signature grants are awarded on a competitive basis to local chapters for trail-related projects that have a positive community impact. This grant will help fund the Pine Hill project on property owned and managed by the Upper Saco Valley Land Trust and adjoining Kennett High School property. This project will provide a new and sustainable competition trail for the Kennett mountain bike team, as well as connect new and existing multi-use community trails. There will be opportunities for students to participate in a new curriculum that includes trail design, building, and maintenance throughout the school. In the future, NEMBA will pursue these grant opportunities to continue building and improving the trail systems they manage.
Volunteers make the world go round. Like the wheels on your bike that keep you rolling, there are countless volunteers who graciously give their time maintaining miles and miles of trails here in the Valley. There is no value you can assign to volunteers; they are priceless. Without their great effort, we would not have the world-class riding opportunities that we have.
The Valley has an amazing and diverse trail system, from raw backcountry single-track in the forest to flowing machine-built trails with easy access. White Mountains NEMBA creates and maintains world-class trails. Get involved, get together with other mountain bikers and friends, and help maintain and build the future of this great trail system. The chapter will host three weekend trail events this summer. Saturday is a day to get dirty and take care of some trail work. Saturday evening involves gathering to share good food and good times. Sunday is all about riding! So, get involved by giving back and enjoy the efforts and friendships created around what you love to do.
Fundraisers, donations, grants, and volunteer labor are the tools that get the work done. NEMBA is a non–profit organization that collects membership dues and distributes them to the individual chapters. All other direct donations, grants, and fundraising go directly to the local chapter and are controlled locally.
In the past year, funds were raised for the purchase of a Snow Dog, which is being used to groom winter fat-biking trails at Rogers Crossing in Bartlett and the Marshall conservation property in Conway. These funds also go towards machine operation and maintenance, tool purchases and replacement, and materials for trail work, such as lumber for bridges. Our annual fundraiser is held at Flatbread Company in North Conway each fall. NEMBA raffles items, accepts donations, and part of the proceeds from pizza sales that evening are generously given to the local chapter.
Mountain biking in the Valley is a part of the overall cycling culture and community fabric of this outdoor opportunity-rich place we call home. The Valley is fortunate to have so many groups, organizations, and committed individuals that come together to weave this fabric. Everyone is a piece of this fabric—whether you ride xc, enduro, fat bike, downhill, gravel, road, or whatever! Go ride your bike! And thank a volunteer!

WM NEMBA - 2023 Events & Rides
Top 2023 Events & Rides
- April 21: Membership meeting at
- Saco River Brewing in Fryeburg
- June 17 and 18: Trail weekend #1
- July 15 and 16: Trail weekend #2
- August 26 and 27: Trail weekend #3
- September 1: Membership meeting at Pro Tune in Glen
- September: Annual fundraiser at Flatbread Company
- September 22-24: Mt. Washington Valley MTB Festival at the fields of Attitash